Page 165 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 165

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

and (2) What should I have said differently on that call? After
each of those events, he would write out what he wanted to do
and say differently, and then reread the 10 most recent calls,
and on the next cold call, he would try to tweak it and make it
just a little different until he got a better reception.

          Learn completely from every experience and use that
     learning to improve subsequent customer calls.


Beware of Fatal Ruts

The only difference between a rut and a grave is that a rut

is a grave with the ends knocked out. It is easy to fall into a rut

and take customers for granted. Any presentations you give

will come off as though you were a parrot, simply repeating it

again and again. Each time

you give a presentation to a

prospective customer, pre-          Assignment

tend you are doing it for the       Prepare every presen-

very first time. Get involved, tation as though it were the

watch the key points, ask the first time you’ve done it.

right questions and walk Sometimes it’s just a mat-

them through it, because ter of putting on your game

they are seeing it with brand- face. Prospects and cus-

new, fresh eyes. Don’t tomers can tell when they

come off like a parrot.        are not getting your best


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