Page 160 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 160

Quick Ideas 129 to 130

Make Smiles Zero Tolerance

    There are only two kinds of people to work with if you’re
going to win the hearts of new customers: (1) Those who should
work for you; and (2) Those who should never work for you.
The difference between the two is sometimes hard to identify,
but I’ll give you a secret. It’s all about the smile!

                              Across Japan, fast food

Assignment                    menus look just like those
                              here in the United States:

Develop your own hamburgers, fries, and soft

smile testing. Let people try drinks. The one major differ-

the job, and watch their fa- ence is at the lower right-

cial expression. It will tell hand corner, where it almost

you everything you need to always says “Smiles are

know about the person’s fu- Zero Yen.” The bright atti-

ture with your company.       tude and good customer ser-

                              vice skills are free of charge,

                              and are usually the reason

customers return to a specific restaurant when all the menus

are the same. When you hire new employees, make it a goal to

hire only those applicants who have a big smile.


    Even the grumpiest prospect alive wants to deal with
someone who has a smile. Make sure that person is from
your organization.

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