Page 157 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 157
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Never Assume It Took Place
One of the most dangerous things you can do in prospect-
ing for customers is to assume that true communication took
place. We get so many magazines, letters, e-mail, direct mail,
and personal mail that it’s easy for important details to slip
through the cracks. Bullet-proof your communications by hav-
ing another set of eyes test what you are doing.
Elaine is an office assis-
tant in a busy secretarial Assignment
group. She has an uncanny
ability to read and review Always check critical
materials to see if all the nec- items going out to prospects
essary details are there and by having a second set of
to identify any communica- eyes review the materials.
tion gaps. In her office they Develop a system so that
call it the “Elaine test.” With every item that goes out the
any new creative piece, in- door is double-checked for
cluding flyers, invitations, ads, consistency and clarity. This
and particularly events where type of proofing can catch a
people are invited and need problem before it begins.
to know a great deal of de-
tail, the rule is “Give it to Elaine.” If after reading it, she can tell
you the details about what is happening, then it’s clear and con-
cise. If Elaine can’t relate the details about what is on the agenda,
then it is a clear indicator that the piece needs to be revised.
Find someone in your office or group who can function
like Elaine.