Page 153 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 153

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Michael, an award-

winning sales rep, follows          Assignment
the Vince Lombardi rule. If

he’s not 10 minutes early          Make managing your
for an appointment with a      time a critical ingredient of
prospect or customer, he       your prospecting, and let cus-
feels like he is late. He be-  tomers know what your ex-
lieves a great deal of his     pectations are up front.

success, and his foundation

for being a salesman, is his

respect for other people’s time. Three of his rules are: (1) Al-

ways be on time or early for your commitments; (2) Always be

prepared with no fumbling, excuses, or stories; and (3) Always

end at the time you promised, and remind a customer or pros-

pect of how much you value their time. Are you always early,

prepared, and respectful of other people’s time? If not, it may

be a real stumbling block to getting the new customers you


    The phrase “time-management” is really a misnomer.
You’re not trying to manage your time, you’re actually trying
to manage your life to fit into the existing and unchanging
time. Ultimately, you have to respect your prospect’s time,
and they will respect you.

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