Page 172 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 172
Quick Ideas 140 to 142
use as an excuse not to buy,
Assignment and could deal with it in ad-
Identify and work on vance. For example, when
scripting answers to your top one prospect said he wasn’t
10 F-E-S-S situations. going to buy Joe’s training
Know in advance how program because some of
you’re going to respond to his people weren’t going to
their questions. use it, Joe complimented him,
and told him he was abso-
lutely correct. However, Joe
also said research had proven that some of his salespeople
would embrace the training program, have huge sales increases,
and make him a lot of money. He was right, and the gentleman
signed the purchase order for the training materials, and Joe
went to the bank, turning a prospect into a new customer.
Think like a Boy Scout and Be Prepared. Know what
you’re going to say before you encounter those deadly
Don’t Be a Drop-in Visitor
Prospects want, need, and will respond to you making them
feel valued, respected, and accepted. By telling them you are
calling on them because you just happen to be in the area, tells
them that you are an accidental tourist without planning or fore-
thought, it destroys your credibility. Always make them feel
special because you came just to see them, regardless of how
many other people you might see today, or what your plans are.