Page 179 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 179

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    When you put your best foot forward to impress a pros-
pect, make sure you are wearing nice shoes.


Become an Information Junkie

    In today’s market, where information is everywhere, it is
awfully easy to overlook it. One of the things you can do to
endear yourself with prospects and customers is to become a
resource of information that interests them. Use your associa-
tion membership, trade journals, daily newspaper, and mail as a
resource center to find things that customers would value. Never
assume they saw the information. Because so much comes
across their desk, there is no way any one person could keep
up with it. A photocopier, a note, and a copy of some strategic
information can tell a customer you are really sincere about
helping them meet their needs.

    My friend Dick has an            Assignment
uncanny ability to find things
that interest me. From a            Use your association
postcard while he’s traveling,  membership, trade journals,
to an article about one of my   and other resources to be-
hobbies, to a prediction about  come an information junkie.
the future, he always seems     Identify those top 10 pros-
to stay one step ahead of       pects and the various things
me. Opening mail from him,      you could send to them.
or even getting an e-mail, is
always exciting, because it

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