Page 183 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 183

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers


            The Value of Persistence

If you ask a customer for their business once, it’s very

unlikely you’ll get a significant percentage to say yes, but as

you continue to ask the second, third, and fourth time, the per-

centage increases dramatically. The fifth time you ask is al-

most magic. Perhaps it’s because the customer realizes your

persistence indicates the

kind of service you would

give them.                          Assignment

    One way to win new             Be persistent. Keep re-
customers is to let them       minding them you are there
know that you will play sec-   and available and eventually
ond fiddle to their current    they will bite. In the mean-
supplier. By positioning       time, do all the things we
yourself as the second         have discussed that will
choice, you have the oppor-    keep you at the top of their
tunity to be there when their  mind for when the time is
current supplier makes a       right.
blunder. The secret is to be

in their face at the point of
need, or when they want to make a change. That means being
persistent. Keep asking and eventually their supplier will drop
the ball and you will get the business. How do we know that?
How many times have you dropped the ball?


    The phrase “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” couldn’t apply
more, so be persistent to win new business.

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