Page 180 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 180
Quick Ideas 147 to 149
will be something that is targeted just to me. Keep top-of-mind
awareness, and build an outpost in your prospect’s mind where
they see you as someone who is truly tuned in to their needs. In
a world that doesn’t care, you will be a breath of fresh air.
There is no way to predict when that one item you send
to a prospect could be the one that opens the door to all of
their business.
Obsessed With Reputation
Very few business owners and managers realize the need,
the value, and the role of reputation in gaining and retaining
customers. The dictionary
Assignment defines reputation as “The
views that are generally
Do you even know what held about somebody or
your reputation, or the something.” In other words,
company’s reputation, is in when someone thinks about
the marketplace? Find out by doing business with you,
asking. Then assume that if your reputation is going to
one person is unhappy, ten be a big part of whether
more are unhappy but haven’t they decide to go with you
told you. Become someone or with someone else.
who is obsessed with protect- Take a lesson from the
ing and safeguarding his or Michelin Tire Company,
her reputation. which over the years has
pioneered a reputation as