Page 184 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 184



A                           C

Access, Microsoft, 174      calling, cold, 24, 62, 163,
ads, newspaper, 52, 54
advantages, marketing, 147  Carnegie, Dale, 161, 181
advertising, 35
                            cartoons, 15
    creative, 113
agitators, 57               chameleons, 70
Allen, James, 34
alumni, 19                  C-H-A-N-T, 57
                            Churchill, Winston, 150
    power of, 48
    first, 71               clinics, medical, 26, 27
    multi-strategic, 163    communication
    creative, 63                effective, 148, 149
As a Man Thinketh, 34           true, 156
associates, 19, 20
attrition, customer, 38     compliments
                                meaningful, 43
B                               power of, 43
                                sincere, 43
Bear, Yogi, 27, 36
beliefs, religious, 126     connection, emotional, 77
Boy Scout, 171
business                    contests, 15

    long-term, 110          creative advertising, 113
    repeat, 89
buyer(s)                    creativity, 61
    types of, 141
    repeat, 56              Customerolgy, 38

                            Customers Have A Name
                            Too, 57

                                dedicated, 74
                                long-term, 66, 137
                                loyal, 22, 113, 155
                                new, 79, 108, 159, 174

                            C-Y-A factor, 75

                            cycle, buying, 40

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