Page 182 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 182
Quick Ideas 149 to 150
done well in school, was
Assignment never good at sports, and was
If you could only take always overweight. At age
one training program in the 19 he saw an ad in the paper
rest of your life, there are that said “Develop self-con-
many good ones out there, fidence.” It was an ad for an
but my vote would be to take inspirational seminar, and he
a Dale Carnegie course. went to listen to a Dale
Check them out in your area, Carnegie course. He was
because they offer numer- absolutely amazed that in just
ous programs on leadership, a few weeks, his investment
sales, interpersonal relation- totally turned his life in a dif-
ships, and a variety of other ferent direction. The
necessary subjects. Carnegie course gave him the
tools he needed to feel good
about himself, and to feel
good about his ability to deal with other people. Isn’t it time you
invested in yourself? If you check with most top sales people,
they are Dale Carnegie graduates. You should be too.
The author James Allen said, “A man is literally what he
thinks.” If you think better of yourself, you’re going to be
more successful.