Page 187 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 187

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Cstomers

program(s)                    Rogers, Will, 54
    database software,174
prospecting, people to
people, 25                    S-A-F-E, 24
prospects                     sales

    pushy, 39                     sensory perception, 155
    turning off your, 38, 39  Sam’s Club, 56
publications, trade, 147      scale, economies of, 18
publishing, desktop, 177      Sears, 41
quality, 99                   Secure, Accepted, Free of
questions, magic, 115         Fear, Enthusiastic, 24
                              service, customer, 82
Q                             situations, F-E-S-S, 171
                              smiles, customers and, 159
Quill Corporation, 46         software, database, 174
                              spam, 96
R                             sphere of influence, 29
                              statement, value, 58
rapport, building, 115        stock-holders, 20
R-A-V-E, 29, 30               storytelling, 36
recognition, name, 15         strategic partnerships, 22
Reis, Al, 129                 success, vision of, 34
relationships                 synergy, 16, 17
                              system, 26
    intentional, 28, 30
    long-term, 56             T
reputations, successful, 55
research, 168                 task force, 16, 17
    Internet, 167
retailers, 41
risk, 107

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