Page 185 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 185

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Cstomers

D                              groups
                                   professional, 29
    customers, 174             H
    software, 174
                               Hanes, 99, 100
defeat, 175, 176               hearing, selective, 150
                               heroes, 35
Deming, W. Edwards,100         heroics, 36

designers, graphic, 177

Disney, Walt, 36, 37

distributors, 165

E                              I

economies of scale, 18         ignorance, 160

educational opportunities, 18  Image One, 59

ego, 160                       influence, sphere of, 29

Einstein, Albert, 163          information, 178

e-mail, 96, 97, 148, 156, 178  infrastructure, 26

Emotional Needs First, 55      intentional relationships, 28, 30

employees                      intentions, right, 31
    rogue, 14
    rude 13                    Internet, 73
                                   harnessing, 167
EN1, 55                            research on, 167

entrepreneur, successful, 128

F                              J

F.B.I., 86                     JCPenny, 41, 172

fairness, 123                  John Deere, 172-173

Federal Bureau of              joiner, 29, 30
Investigation, 86
                                   professional, 80
                                   trade, 80, 178

G                              K

goals, long-term, 85, 102      K-Mart, 41, 42

Goldmine, 174

graduates, Carnegie, 181

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