Page 146 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 146

Quick Ideas 116 to 117

                               their needs. Make sure that

Assignment                     there are no dead-ends if

    Identify the top 10 times  they deal with you.
when you are forced to say
no. Develop a few poten-           In the well-known
tial positive responses that   movie Miracle on 34th
can be partnered with the      Street, Santa Claus made this
no’s. For example, when        principle work for him dur-
you have to tell a prospect    ing the busy Christmas shop-
that you can’t get their or-   ping season. When a child
der in time, be sure to say    sat on his lap and asked for
that you can give them a 20    a toy that Santa didn’t have
percent discount.              he directed the child’s par-
                               ents to a competitor in the
                               area. The parents were so

                               amazed with Santa’s behav-

ior, they came back to his store and brought all their friends and

family as well.


      Anyone can say no, sorry, or tough luck. But you will
earn the respect and business of potential customers when
you help them by telling them what you can do. Balance the
negative with the positive, and be sure to give the customer

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