Page 121 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 121
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Jack had tried several times to get past the gatekeepers
and reach the president of a successful restaurant chain to talk
to him about his unique flat-rate maintenance program for their
commercial heating and air conditioning systems. He could of-
fer the company a better service at a better price, but he couldn’t
get through to the president.
One Sunday morning at
Assignment church, he overheard an-
other parishioner mention
Do your homework to that he knew the president
find out who your colleagues, of the restaurant chain.
coworkers, friends, and fam- Jack approached the man
ily know. Almost everyone and asked him if he would
knows someone who could introduce Jack and his com-
be a prospect. pany to the president so he
could tell him about Jack’s
great service. The very
next morning, Jack got a call from his friend telling him that the
president was expecting him to call, and would welcome set-
ting up a meeting to discuss how Jack could help them get
better service at less cost.
Who do you know who could open a door for you?