Page 117 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 117

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

     Assignment             buying it from me?” This
                            formula helped Dan sell
    Write out Dan’s 1-2-3   millions of dollars of prod-
formula, and pay attention  ucts and services in a vari-
to the answers. Use this    ety of businesses and
formula when you are pros-  industries.
pecting for customers.


    Many seasoned and successful salespeople claim you need
to ask your way to success.


       Prospects Must Be a M-A-N

    How many times have you thought you had a prospect
ready to say yes and become a first-time customer, only to be
blown away by those disastrous words, “We can’t afford it,”
or, “I have to get permission to buy it,” or, “Sorry, but we don’t
really need it?” If you’ve encountered any of those deadly sales
killers, then you need to make sure every prospect is a M-A-N.
That stands for having the Means, the Authority, and the Need
to buy.

    Mary Anne had called on a manufacturing company’s pur-
chasing agent several times, and had established a good rap-
port. She was confident that by sticking with it, she would get
their business for the industrial tools, cutting drill bits, and hand
tools that they needed. Only after several months did the buyer

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