Page 116 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 116
Quick Ideas 88 to 90
Harry was an aggressive retailer who loved to promote his
business and go after prospects, especially with other people’s
money. He kept a log of every supplier and pushed every manu-
facturer as to what spiffs, co-ops, and promotion money was
available. He would ask and ask and ask again. He was relent-
less. He befriended many of the sales reps who called on him
and learned they had discretionary dollars. By being friendly
and asking often, he got the promotional money to go out and
get new customers.
Remember, if you don’t ask, you’ll never get!
One Magic Question
Everyone who wants more customers longs for a magic
formula to guarantee more business. Be sure to ask them the
magic question that is virtually guaranteed to bring you more
Dan, a now-retired lifetime prospector, has successfully
sold everything from oil filters to investments in oil wells. He
pioneered a three-step process that worked like magic to turn
prospects into new customers. Do you want to know what the
formula is? (1) Find out much as you can about your prospect
on a personal level to connect and build rapport; (2) Probe, dig,
and unearth what your prospect needs; and (3) When that pic-
ture is clear, ask them the magic question: “If I can find a way to
provide the products and services you need, would you consider