Page 119 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 119

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

your entire day waiting around for a maybe to become a no,

which is just a waste of your time. Learn that maybe is not an

                                acceptable answer.

     Assignment                     Andy says he under-
                                stands yes and no, but
    Professional prospec-       maybe is the word he’s had
tors often hang on too long,    to learn to deal with most
wasting their resources. You    often. After a reasonable
need to know when to quit       period of time, he will do vir-
fishing and find another lake.  tually anything to get the cus-

                                tomer to move in one

                                direction or another. He ac-

tually sees it as a benefit when someone says no, because he

can take him or her off of the maybe list.


    Customers will often string you along, and there is a huge
benefit in getting them to say either yes or say no. Don’t be afraid
to take a knockout punch to find out whether it’s worth investing
your time and energy.


             Bigger Is Better

    If you operate a small or mid-sized business, there are prob-
ably times when your prospects need to see you as a Goliath in
a land full of Davids. You need to use perception and illusion to
appear bigger than you are. In many prospects’ eyes, bigger is

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