Page 114 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 114
Quick Ideas 86 to 88
loyal customers. There’s something about show-and-tell and
bricks-and-mortar that pays off, but the freebie was the real
catalyst that made it work.
The word free will always be the number one motivator of
people, both personally and professionally.
Creative Advertising Can Work
If you do any radio or television advertising, then you know
it’s incredibly expensive, ineffective, and often a poor use of
your promotional money. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can break through the clutter, get people’s attention, and
build name recognition by doing something a little different. We
call it problem-solving with
a dose of humor.
One of the best uses of Assignment
problem, solution, and humor Any time you’re creat-
has been an ad by the Hertz ing ads, whether for print or
car rental company. A broadcast media, try to use
gentleman walks up to a the formula of problem, so-
shabby car rental establish- lution, and humor.
ment and explains he’d like
to rent a Bronco. The shady
employee behind the counter quickly fills out the paper, takes
his money, and the camera quickly switches to this poor guy on
top of a horse bucking, kicking, and giving him a hard time.
Unfortunately, he’s been duped. Now the camera switches to
Hertz and how they go above and beyond to deliver a real