Page 109 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 109

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers


Loose Lips Sink Prospects

It was during the Second World War that the phrase loose

lips sink ships was used in propaganda posters to remind the

American people not to divulge secrets. The same holds true in

dealing with potential customers who are willing to share their

confidences with you. Just make a promise to yourself that

when prospects and customers share confidences with you,

you will not divulge that information to anyone.

                              When Bob called one of

Assignment                    his key suppliers to discuss
                              several internal problems he

    Remember the rule that    had, he opened the conversa-
the only way two people can   tion by asking his supplier to
keep a secret is if one of    keep totally quiet about some
them is dead, and don’t ever  theft problems Bob had inside
share confidence.             his business. Together, Bob
                              and his supplier were able to

                              formulate a plan to help Bob

deal with the theft. More importantly, they cemented a relation-

ship based on trust, which is the ultimate compliment anyone can

give you. The supplier assured Bob that no one would be told

about what was going on. He gave his word on that. Could a

prospect or customer trust you in that same situation?


    Say what you’ll do and do what you say, and your predict-
ability, trust, and honesty will pay off in a steady flow of new

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