Page 106 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 106

Quick Ideas 79 to 81

was what they valued most.

When he’s missing just one         Assignment

gooseneck for a sink, the              Always remember that a
plumber is shut down and           prescription without a diag-
can’t finish the job. Filling the  nosis is called malpractice.
order was what they valued         What is really important to
most. He decided to guaran-        your customer, and how do
tee every contractor that an       you find out? Just ask!
order would be filled 100 per-

cent complete within 24

hours. The program was a huge success, and his sales volume

skyrocketed. Why? Because he prescribed what his customers



    What do your customers want from you? Find out what
it is and give it to them.


           Make It Easy to Buy

    In recent years Americans have started paying more bills
with credit and debit cards, than they do with cash or checks. It’s
a turning point that signals to businesses everywhere that they
should be flexible with their accepted methods of payment.

    There’s a sign in a Las Vegas casino that says, “How would
you like to pay? We accept gold dust, gold bars, Mastercard,
Visa, American Express, Carte Blanche, Discover, and Diner’s.
We will take a company check, a personal check, or your
traveler’s check... Heck, we even take bad checks. And of
course, we will take cash.” Everybody has a good laugh when
they see that sign, but they remember one thing. This casino

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