Page 101 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 101

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Hanes until I say it says Hanes” and it was a huge success in

selling their undergarments. For many years quality control in

America deteriorated so drastically that overseas competitors

stole a large portion of the market share. Today however, we’re

back and doing better than ever. But the painful lessons we

                              learned about building a

Assignment                    reputation for quality prod-
                              ucts and services has been

Quality is the cumulative expensive.

effect of many choices. Make  The late W. Edwards

a decision today that you’re Deming was respected

going to drive your company worldwide as a proponent

with superior quality. Then of quality. He said that qual-

communicate that goal to cus- ity didn’t really cost, but

tomers and prospects.         was in fact a profit center.

                              Quality products result in

                              fewer rejects, less mainte-

nance, less down-time, extended performance, more enjoyment

of usage, and an increase in customer loyalty.


    There always will be a top-end buyer who’s willing to pay
a premium price for quality products and services.

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