Page 102 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 102

Quick Ideas 76 to 77

Keeping up With Technology

We live in an ever-changing world. By the time you buy a new

computer or a piece of equipment, it’s already out of date because

there’s a better one coming down the assembly line. The chal-

lenge is to keep up, have the latest in technology and equipment,

and maintain your position in the marketplace. The secret is to

budget a fixed amount that will allow you to keep up and remain a

state-of-the-art operation. Staying on the cutting edge will give

you an advantage when turning prospects into customers!

There’s a printing shop in

Las Vegas that has a policy            Assignment
of investigating any and ev-

ery piece of new equipment            Technology = productiv-
that comes on the market. If      ity = competitiveness = great
they have a printing press that   prospecting. Set up a review
is only a year old and a new      process for evaluating your
and better one is offered by      technology against current
the manufacturer, they inves-     standards. And don’t forget
tigate it to see if it’s truly a  to budget for upgrades!
better product. If it is, they

immediately sell the one they

have and buy the new that offers them the latest and greatest in

features and benefits. Because they have the best in equipment

and people, they also attract the best customers. Most of their

printing is for Fortune 500 companies’ annual reports and for the

Las Vegas gambling casinos who want nothing but the best.


    The world is moving on whether you do or not. The se-
cret is to keep up with the latest technology to best serve your

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