Page 99 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 99

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

     Assignment                     You can always offer a
                                variety of options, from your
    Find out what your com-     Webpage to your telephone
petitors are doing in your in-  to your emergency services,
dustry, and then do more than   to let your customers know
they are. Look at what          that when the lights are out,
people are doing outside your   you want them to come back
business, and adopt and adapt   when the lights are on.
their ideas and strategies.


    We are no longer an 8-to-5, Monday-to-Friday country of
workers. People have diverse schedules, and they’re looking for
services when many traditional businesses have turned out the
lights and gone home. The people who can accommodate them
will win and retain their business.


             One Magic Word

    When you deal with customers, the magic word is not if,
but when. You are eventually going to encounter a prospect or
a new customer who is unhappy with you, your products, ser-
vices, or your company. Knowing how to deal with emotional
issues can turn upset customers into loyal buyers and be the
pivotal point of either losing their business or winning their

    When a telephone service manager encountered a cus-
tomer who was upset, he listened attentively and then asked

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