Page 95 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 95

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Free Still Works

    Of the most powerful words you can use in selling your
marketing message, the word free is still at the top of the list. In
fact, one marketing magazine noted in a recent article that free
food and drink still brings out more people than a great guest
speaker or a high-impact seminar topic. We all love to get some-

                                        thing for nothing.

                                If you have a high-value

Assignment                      potential customer that

    Always pre-inspect the      you’ve not been able to win
place where you plan to take    over, consider offering them
them for a meal, and make       a free gourmet meal, and see
arrangements for the quiet      what happens. There are
corner or that table where      some key words to commu-
you won’t be interrupted too    nicate within your invitation
much. It’s worth the planning.  that can be a big help in get-
                                ting them to take advantage

                                of your free offer. First,

make sure they understand that they are under no obligation to

join you for that free meal. Second, they will be your guest and

that you are going to pay. Third, there will be no high pressure

sales pitch while they are dining. Keeping them safe will en-

courage them to say yes to your free offer.

    Although many claim that there’s no such thing as a free
lunch, you can prove them wrong. Offer a low-pressure event
with lots of free gifts or food, and watch the customers come
out of the woodwork!

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