Page 91 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 91

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

What About Tomorrow?

    The best way to ensure that a customer will return to your
company in the future is to make sure that your associates
understand the importance of delightful customer service, be-
cause it’s the only way to guarantee that the customer will


     Assignment                      The owner of a quick
                                 lube/oil change center found
    Get your group to brain-     a masterful way to convince
storm what it will take to get   his employees about the
the customer back the next       importance of customer ser-
time. Reinforce the idea that    vice. He asked each per-
the next sale is just as impor-  son to ask one simple
tant as the current one, and     question when serving a
they will be sure to treat each  customer: “Is what I’m do-
customer with respect.           ing today going to bring this

                                 customer back tomorrow?”

They had the sale for today. The issue was to get them to come

back in the future. This savvy business owner realized that

fixing cars was only part of their job.

    Always remember that when you fix a problem, you have
to remember to fix the customer.

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