Page 86 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 86
Quick Ideas 62 to 63
Out of sight means out of mind. Make sure that pros-
pects can find you whenever they need to.
Leave Your Prospects
a Trail to Follow
You’ve heard the old adage about leaving a trail of bread
crumbs to lead you back home when you go out exploring.
That’s what you should be trying to do with prospects. Leave a
trail that reminds them of your company and that you want
their business. This can be anything with your name and logo
on it, from an ink pens to a baseball caps, from memo pads to
golf balls. The long-term goal
is to give reminders and cre- Assignment
ate an outpost in your
prospect’s mind. If you leave Find a source for logo
bread crumbs for them, they and identity items. Buy up a
will eventually find their way variety of items and get
back to you. them out on the highways
A busy association ex- and byways where your
ecutive had entertained a prospects operate.
prospective insurance pro-
vider numerous times. He failed to notice that each time this
insurance agent called on him, he also left him a small gift. One
day he looked at the top of his desk, and he had a memo holder,
a leather address book, a large desktop calendar, an ink pen