Page 85 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 85

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers


Make Sure

Prospects Can Find You

One great and easily affordable way to reach prospects is

by using e-mail. Not only is this a convenient way for custom-

ers to reach you, but it can also give you the opportunity to

respond in a well-thought-out method. E-mail can be done on

your own terms and your own schedule, without forcing you to

be quick on your feet. You can take the time to gather price

quotes, efficiency statistics, or other data that might come in

                                   handy when speaking with a


Assignment                              Unfortunately, about 20

    When discontinuing the         percent or more of all the
use of an e-mail address, con-     contact links on Websites are
sider keeping it up and check-     broken, so when you click on
ing it daily and simply providing  the name or e-mail address,
a link to your current address     it either doesn’t connect or
until you are absolutely confi-    gets bounced back. Some
dent that no one will attempt      businesses confuse, and in-
to contact your through the old    directly sabotage, the ability
address.Another method is to       of prospects to find them by
retain the domain name and         frequently changing their e-
have the ISP redirect e-mail       mail addresses. When drop-
to your new Website or e-          ping established e-mail
mail address.                      addresses, you close the door
                                   on a prospect, which could

                                   make you lose the sale of the

century! Don’t let this happen to you.

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