Page 80 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 80

Quick Ideas 56 to 58

prospects, especially your         Assignment
top 10 list, by sending them
a priority mail package           Go to your local post of-
once in a while. They’ll be   fice and get a stack of prior-
impressed, and they will      ity envelopes, mailers, boxes,
know you are serious          and labels. Determine the
about wanting their busi-     postage, remembering that
ness. It’s a great invest-    you can access postage over
ment, because it works. So    the internet, so you can handle
do “Whatever It Takes”        all this from your office. Then
to maximize your pros-        routinely communicate with
pecting efforts and win       your prospects using What-
new customers.                ever It Takes.


    You can multiply your impact on prospects by using pri-
ority mail and the thousands of hardworking postal carriers
across the country.


           Love Those Freebies

    If you are like most people trying to gain new customers, it is
likely you will serve a diversity of businesses and occupations.
For example, your prospective customers may include the butcher,
the baker, the candlestick maker, and many more. One of the
best ways to learn more about your prospect’s interest is from

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