Page 78 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 78

Quick Ideas 54 to 56

of every 30 days to maintain top-of-mind awareness; and (3)
Getting prospects to call you means making them multiple offers.

        When customers call you, they see themselves as a wel-
   come guest, but when you attempt to sell them, they see you
   as a necessary pest.


Connect Like Velcro

Every person has common needs, such as the need to be

wanted, needed, and accepted. When you make emotional con-

nections with your prospects and get to know them as a per-

son, you will go a long way to establishing rapport with them. It

is easy to forget that prospects have a life beyond the office. If

you can make an emotional connection with your prospect, you

should connect to them like

Velcro and never lose it!

When Steve attended a             Assignment

family reunion, he was            Write yourself a note that
amazed at how quickly the     people buy from people, and
years seemed to disappear     learn to do inner-views and
as he talked with his long-   listen carefully.
lost relatives. That was be-

cause they had a common

discussion about the family, and it was easy to pick up where

they had left off years before. Your prospects are ready, will-

ing, and waiting to establish a relationship with you if you can

do an inner-view with them. That means getting to know what’s

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