Page 74 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 74

Quick Ideas 51 to 52


Prospecting Requires

Being a Super-Sleuth

You can never know too much about a prospect to whom

you’d like to sell. The more you learn, the more likely you are

to win over that potential account. There is no excuse to be

uninformed in today’s information-rich society, where you have

resources like your local li-

brary and the Internet.

When a consultant was              Assignment

invited to meet with Flagstar      Think of yourself as a
Bank to consider doing pro-    detective building a case. You
motional work for them, he     must convince a prospect to
downloaded every page          become a customer, so be
from their Website and         sure to do your research first!
learned everything about

them, from their mission

statement to their philosophy of customer service, from their

growth plans to their financial performance in recent years.

When he walked in to meet with the Flagstar management, he

was armed and ready to discuss where they’d been, and where

they were going.

    Knowledge is power. If you don’t know enough about a
prospect, the only reason is because you haven’t tried hard

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