Page 71 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 71
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
things like birthdays or anniversaries. By using traditional mail-
ing methods, you’ll be different, because most people are sim-
ply sending an e-mail. Prospects will recognize your extra effort,
and they will reward you for it. Remember, you’re building a
relationship. You should do personal things for people with whom
you have a relationship!
First we make our habits, then our habits make us. Get
in the habit of using the more traditional ways to communi-
cate that other people have abandoned, and you will stand
out in the crowd.
Learn From Chameleons
We want to do business with people who are most like us.
That is where your appearance and behaviors can work for
you, or against you. Learn
Assignment from the chameleon, which
can change the appearance
What does your cus- of it’s skin to match the
tomer wear for a casual color underneath or behind
lunch as opposed to a for- it. It can go from green to
mal dinner? What do they black to blue to suit its sur-
wear for presentations or roundings. How can you
meetings or celebrations? change to be more like your
Study your customer, and customer?
then become a chameleon. Nido is a highly success-
ful banker, entrepreneur, and