Page 68 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 68
Quick Ideas 46 to 47
Little Things with Big Payoffs
Oftentimes potential customers comment on little things,
the end result of which can be huge payoffs if you listen, change,
and react to their feedback. Listening, and demonstrating that
those changes are important, sends a huge message about how
much you care.
A local library had just completed a multimillion dollar reno-
vation and addition. It was beautiful and well-done. There was
even a button to push that would automatically open the door
for people with special needs. However, as a gentleman in a
wheelchair approached the door, it became obvious that the
doorway was too narrow and his power wheelchair barely
slipped through. They needed to put an automatic opener on
the second part of the door
so that both doors would Assignment
open to accommodate those
visitors in wheelchairs. The Make it a rule that ev-
gentleman made his way to eryone within your organiza-
the desk to explain the prob- tion or company write down
lem to the librarian, but she any feedback that could be
had all the empathy and sym- considered important by
pathy of a drill sergeant. Her management.
body language, her facial
expression, and her reaction
to his comments sent the message that she could not have cared
less. Do you care about the little things that bring big results
from your potential customers? Listening to them and making
even minor changes and adjustments can send a huge message
about your willingness to accommodate their needs.