Page 64 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 64

Quick Ideas 43 to 44

    Most people are looking for something that separates
your product or service from all the others. Find that creative
approach, and dare to be different.

Believe It or Not

Believe it or not, prospects and customers will stretch the

truth, especially when they tell you their side of an incident,

mistake, or problem they had

while trying to do business        Assignment
with you. Before you go on

a rampage accusing your            Think like a judge and
staff of stupidity or misman-  give everyone a chance to be
agement in handling the cus-   heard before arriving at a
tomer, be sure and get their   decision. Often you will find
side of the story first.       that the customer is wrong.

    When Harry went to

the warehouse looking for

Debbie, who had filled an order incorrectly for a customer that

morning, he was smoking mad. They had tried and tried to get

this customer’s business for a long time and now, just when

they closed the deal, Debbie screwed it all up.

    But Harry listened to Debbie’s side of the story before he
went ballistic. Not only did Debbie believe she had filled the
customer’s order just as he wanted it, she still had his notes to
back her up. Sure enough, Debbie was right and the customer
was trying to save his ego and blame Debbie. Harry learned to

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