Page 60 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 60
Quick Ideas 39 to 41
A company called Im- Assignment
age One wanted to define
their uniqueness, so they Define your value state-
came up with the rather ment so that your employees
clever tag line of The Image can internalize what you want
One Way, The Only Way. them to know. Label as many
This helps their prospects things as you can with it, like
and customers identify their your letterhead, pens, or post-
values and ideals. The com- ers. This should serve as a
pany now needs to educate daily reminder to capitalize on
their staff about their new what makes you unique!
tag line, and make sure that
everyone understands the
philosophy it entails.
You have to name it to claim it, so decide what makes you
unique and slap a label on it. A copyright can help too!
Do Something Different
Prospects just love to be wined, dined, and solicited by po-
tential suppliers, because it means they have been accepted
and are valued. Acceptance is one of the key motivating fac-
tors in life, but in many areas of customer service, it’s no longer
enough. You have to do something different, bold, and creative
to show your customers that they are valued and accepted.
Find something unique, fun, and/or mysterious to convince your