Page 56 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 56

Quick Ideas 35 to 37

organization bigger than life. People want to be around success-
ful people, and you can take advantage of the successful reputa-
tions in your organization.

       Sometimes a person’s reputation is as valuable as the
   person themselves. Find out who the stars are in your com-
   pany, and make sure to highlight their talents and skills.

Pay Attention to

Their Individual Needs

Customers are people, too! If you pay attention to their

needs in addition to offering your products and services, you

can benefit a great deal. Like it or not, your business is prob-

ably not that much different from your competitors, and you

need to recognize that. By making a concerted effort to ad-

dress each prospect’s indi-

vidual needs, they will be able      Assignment
to find you in the crowd.

Capitalize on the features           Teach everyone your

that you make you different. plan to meet the customer’s

    The owner of a beauty        emotional needs, which can
salon was hurting in his at-     be remembered with the
tempt to build a customer        easy formula of EN1 = Emo-
following. He had many           tional Needs First.

competitors in the area, and

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