Page 51 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 51

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

giving you your 50 cent per hour raise today instead of in 90
days. Then we will be reviewing your pay again in six months.”
Chris understood that while praise is nice, it doesn’t buy gro-
ceries! Do you think Judy, the new hire, will do back flips for
Chris in the future? You can be sure of it.


       An old proverb says “When you drink the water, don’t
  forget to take care of the people who helped you dig the well.”
  By recognizing your successful associates, you will inspire them
  to work even harder in the future.

Respect Their Time

We live in an age where people feel incredible pressure to

get things done immediately, both in their business and personal

lives. They are trying to accomplish more in less time, and feel-

ing pressured to cram 48 hours worth of activity into a 24 hour

day. You can send a huge message to prospects by consistently

                               showing them that you and

Assignment                     your company have a sense
                               of urgency about meeting

Identify the key areas in their needs, and that your or-

your company where a sense ganization will hustle to

of urgency is important, and serve them.

show it to your prospects and  While standing in line at

customers every day.           the local post office, one

                               waiting patron commented

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