Page 47 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 47

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Sell Your People First

    It is amazing how dangerous many business owners and
managers are when they hire someone, give them little or no
orientation or training, and then simply throw them out on the job.
If your people aren’t sold on you, your company, and your prod-
ucts or services, how are they going to translate that to your
prospects? Training your people must be your first priority if you
truly want to convince prospects to come aboard.

                                Chicago-based Quill

    Assignment                  Corporation has a rule that
                                new employees can’t touch
    Make it a rule that ev-     a telephone until they have
ery new person joining your     been through several phases
organization should go          of Quill Corporation training.
through a procedure to get      They learn about the history
them indoctrinated in the       of the company. They learn
values and beliefs of your      about their culture, their
company. Make yourself a        rules, their policies, their pro-
checklist of the things they    cedures, and their traditions.
need to know and believe        They must be able to dem-
before you let them interact    onstrate that they are con-
with prospects or custom-       vinced Quill is a great
ers. Create a training session  operation before they ever
that trains them with your      go near a phone. The man-
philosophies and traditions.    agement at Quill quickly

                                says that they are not about

to let an unarmed employee pick up a phone and talk to a pros-

pect or customer when they themselves don’t know about or

believe in their company.

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