Page 49 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 49

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

the problem and resolve it, and turn an unhappy complainer into
a happy customer.

       You may win the argument, but you could lose the cus-
   tomer. Do you want to be right, or have the business?


People Are Funny

Art Linkletter hosted a hit TV show called People Are

Funny. Prospective customers are also funny, as well as preju-

diced, predictable, and picky. Especially when it comes to the

appearance of the people with whom they do business. Your

appearance can turn them on, turn them off, or even perma-

nently shut down your chances.

                                 Before you grow a beard,

      Assignment                 get a tattoo, or let your hair
                                 grow out, take inventory of
    Learn how your custom-       how your prospects might feel
ers want you to look and         and react to your appearance.
dress. Develop a standard that   Why start campaigning for
fits with their vision, and re-  new business by turning your
main consistent.                 prospects off before you ever

                                 get a chance to establish a re-

                                 lationship with them? Is this a

blinding flash of the obvious to you? Never underestimate the power

of appearance. You should do your research, and conform to the

expectations of your customers in terms of your appearance.

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