Page 53 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 53
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
person looking for some-
Assignment thing interesting you might
Keep an inventory of pass along to them on that
notes and a list of what in- subject.
terests your customers, and
be looking for those items When one salesperson
every day. It can be anything, learned that her customer
from an article in the news- had just gotten a new puppy,
paper to a special television she zoomed right in on that
show, from a brochure on a subject. She stopped by a
new product to an advertise- local pet store and found a
ment about a new service. free quarterly newspaper
chock-full of ideas, stories,
ads, and articles on the train-
ing, nutrition, and care of
puppies. She wrote a quick note to her prospect and sent the
materials along in the mail. On the next call to that customer,
they had a subject to talk about. The customer was so im-
pressed that she took that kind of interest in him, that he soon
became one of her most loyal customers.
Prospects are flattered when you recognize and share in
their interests, hobbies, or passions. Capitalize on your com-
mon ground, and use it to build a personal relationship.