Page 58 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 58

Quick Ideas 37 to 39

register, you will see the         Assignment
word C-H-A-N-T. That is a
reminder to all Sam’s em-         Getting and using
ployees that Customers        people’s names is a habit.
Have A Name, Too. In fact,    First we make our habits,
they run rewards to remind    then our habits make us. Get
employees of the impor-       your associates into the
tance of identifying people   habit of using proper names
by their names. Do you think  instead of nicknames.
you can get better at doing
that, Bud?


    Getting and using customer names is a very simple tactic
that your competition might overlook. Customers in survey
after survey complain about being treated like a number, so
make sure that your company doesn’t do that.


           Beware of Agitators

    There are a lot of great, friendly, and fun people to do busi-
ness with in America, but for some reason there also seems to
be a small group that delights in agitating, debating, and insti-
gating trouble at every step. It seems their life goal is to push
your buttons, belittle your company, find faults with your prod-
ucts and services, and tell you that your competitors are better
than you. The secret is not to let these people get to you. After

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