Page 59 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 59

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

                                 all, if you don’t want them

Assignment                       to get your goat, don’t let

    Get a book about deal-       them know where it’s tied.
ing with difficult people. Read
it, and teach the techniques         The best time to deal
to your staff.                   with agitators is before you
                                 encounter them. Start by
                                 making a decision that you

                                 are not going to react instinc-

tively. Instead you’re going to prepare and respond to those

doom and gloom people. Learn to harmonize with their objec-

tions, and tell them you can understand their feelings. When

they know how to push your buttons, they’ll just continue to do

it. If they don’t know what sends you into orbit, then they’ll

give up and stop agitating you and pick on someone else.


    Don’t let the critical few destroy your attitude about deal-
ing with the majority, of whom many are a pleasure to serve.


     Label What Differentiates You

    We live in a world where every business yells and screams,
“We are different. We are better. Choose us.” In reality, it’s
usually nothing more than old wine in new bottles. You need to
commit to truly being different with a program that prospects
can see. Then you must label what you do. The label is a daily
reminder, sending a message to prospects, customers, and em-
ployees. Marketing professionals call it the value statement.
You might recognize it as a tag line.

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