Page 61 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 61

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

                                prospects to become your

Assignment                      customers.

    Put your own creativity         Vicky was an award-
to work developing fun, inter-  winning sales manager.
esting, and unique ideas to     When she identified her Top
involve your prospects and      10 prospects and invited
customers. Organize a team      them to a very unique cus-
to help come up with some       tomer presentation, each
good ideas for special events.  prospect received a series of
                                three mailings inviting them

                                to join her on the dock at a

local reservoir to take a leisurely tour on her boat. Hors d’oeuvres,

drinks, and a bit of fun were built into the event. The creative

mailings went on to explain that ties would be cut off at the

neck and anyone not wearing shorts might be thrown into the

water. At the appointed hour Vicky was amazed as all 10 pros-

pects were standing on the dock and climbed onto the barge to

spend the afternoon schmoozing and learning about Vicky’s

products. Within weeks, all but two became customers.

    Most business prospectors are about as exciting as a bucket
of warm spit. You need to break through the usual business to
convince your prospects to become your customers.

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