Page 65 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 65

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

get all sides of the story before making a judgment. Harry
complimented Debbie and told the office to close the prospect’s
line of credit. He didn’t want a new customer who had already
proven he would lie to cover himself. That day Debbie grew a
foot taller because of her boss’ trust in her!

       When your employees are right, stand by them, even if it
  upsets a prospect or customer. Your associates will respect
  you for it. After all, right is right!


Try Something Different

E-mail is a great communication tool if you can get your

prospects to respond to you. Getting them to answer your e-

mails may take creativity and humor. Often people don’t re-

spond because they are busy on work overload, or simply don’t

                              know what to say to you. Try

                              something different to catch

Assignment                    their attention and get them

    Try getting creative      to e-mail you back.
about e-mailing some of
your more reluctant               One sales rep experi-
prospects. But make           mented with different kinds
certain you target only       of e-mails and found some-
prospects who will re-        thing that worked frequently
spond favorably to this       for prospects who had been
kind of humor.                failing to respond to him. He
                              would write something like

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