Page 69 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 69

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    Showing empathy and sympathy is the best way to con-
vince customers that you are serious about meeting their needs.

            Being Different

    Joel Weldon has often said “Figure out what everybody
else is doing, and don’t do it.” To be recognized in the clutter
of today’s market, you’ve got to figure out a better way, a
different way, and a more affordable way, to keep telling your
story. One of the ways to do that is to look at the changes
going on in the marketplace.

With the popularity of the internet and e-mail, there have

been some dramatic changes in the ways people communi-

cate. Some of the things left behind that can pay off for you

are your fax machine, letters, postcards, and the good old

                telephone. Those things to-

Assignment      day get attention because
                people have almost stopped

Study your competition using them. Consider how

and the marketplace, then you can revise the fax, the

devise new and innovative postcard, the letter, and es-

approaches that your com- pecially the phone call to

petitors are not using. Try keep in touch with pros-

going back to snail mail to be pects and customers. Ana-

different.      lyze what your competition

                is doing, and don’t do it.

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