Page 44 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 44

Quick Ideas 25 to 27

who is truly committed to

helping them, rather than    Assignment

someone who is desperate         Make a card that says
to make a sale.              Help Before You Sell. Post
                             it prominently around your
    To say that purchasing   office or desk as a reminder.
agents are frustrated would
be the understatement of a

lifetime. Everyone who

comes through their door has one thing in mind: to get their

business. If you want to be different, find out what their prob-

lems are. Find out what frustrates them. Find out what their

competitors are not doing. Be seen as a helper, not a seller, and

provide solutions. Watch what happens, and you’ll be amazed

at all your new business!


    Help comes before sell in what you’re doing, as well as in
the dictionary!


       The Power of Compliments

    When was the last time someone gave you a sincere and
meaningful compliment, something you knew was from his or
her heart and that made you glow inside? If your answer is like
the hundreds of people I’ve asked that question of, all too many
of them have turned to me and said “The last compliment?
What year is this?” Have you ever met someone who com-
plained about getting too many compliments, or being fussed
over too much?

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