Page 40 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 40

Quick Ideas 21 to 23

people on whom they can           Assignment
depend. Personnel turn-          Before dismissing an
over, or churn, is very de-  employee, ask yourself what
moralizing for them.         impact it’s likely to have on
Prospects and customers      your customers. Consider
accept the fact that         transferring that person to
people get moved, pro-       another location and then,
moted, or transferred, but   when the time is right, exit-
they hate to hear that       ing them out the door. That
they quit or were fired.     way your customers can
                             accept the fact that they
                             moved on normally.


    Remember what turns prospects off. An ever-changing
personnel roster can be the kiss of death.


            Pushy Prospectors

    A high-impact sales training seminar started by having each
attendee place a hand up against the hand of a partner sitting
next to them. Then the instructor gave them a command to
push. What happened when each person pushed against the
hand of the person sitting next to them? Their opponent pushed
back. No one likes to be pushed. They love someone who will
help them buy, but they’ll really dislike someone who pushes

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