Page 37 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 37

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    When the owner isn’t around, do you think this story will
remind his employees that they may want to do their own hero-
ics to save and serve customers? This story could pay off for
the owner for years to come!

         The power of storytelling is both underused and more
    powerful than most prospectors will give it credit for. You
    should become good at telling the tales of your own heroics.

Do You See What I See?

When I think about my favorite cartoon character, Yogi

Bear, I always think of his favorite saying: “You can see a lot

when you look.” It’s time to stop and look around your com-

pany to see how you’re doing. Ray Kroc and Walt Disney both

believed that you should never see a facility, building, vehicle,

or anything their company owns that appeared to need clean-

ing, fixing, or painting. They believed if you do those things

routinely, your customers will always see a bright and shiny

company that’s up to speed.

                                 When Sparkle Pools de-

     Assignment                  cided to do an extreme
                                 makeover, they found their
    Make it a habit every 30     consultant sitting on a stump
days to take a walk around       across the street from their
your company and look at it      business. When Tom, Sparkle
through the eyes of your         Pool’s owner, went over to in-
customer.                        quire what he was doing, he

                                 said he was looking at the

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