Page 34 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 34

Quick Ideas 16 to 17

Love That Loyalty

    Part of searching for new customers is occasionally en-
countering those who hold you at arm’s length because of their
loyalty to a current supplier. Inevitably they will tell you stories
about how their current vendors have gone the extra mile for
them. Our instinct, when attempting to get business, is to be
defensive and try to overcome that statement of loyalty. That’s
exactly the wrong thing to do and will do nothing more than
alienate that prospect, which means that it’s unlikely you will
ever get their business. There is a better way to approach the

    The first thing to do when         Assignment
someone describes his or her
loyalty is to compliment them.        Value that loyalty, and tell
If you really think about it, it  them so. Then keep right on
is a good character trait.        pitching. At some point, their
Wouldn’t you like all of your     needs will change or their
customers to be so loyal that     current supplier will fail
they throw all your competi-      them. You want to be there
tion out the door? Second, ex-    for them when that happens.

plain to them that loyalty is a

rare commodity, and is all too often missing in business today.

That’s the commonly held perception, even though there are more

loyal people out there than we recognize.


    Remember, loyalty comes from customer delight. If you
do it, they’ll want it. Make sure you are ready to catch them
when they fall, and you’ll have a new loyal customer.

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