Page 32 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 32

Quick Ideas 15 to 16

to do the things you promise,        Assignment
and demonstrate outstanding
service. Then you can turn          Make intentional part
that prospect into a customer,  of your vocabulary to de-
all because you developed an    scribe the relationships you
intentional relationship.       want to have now and in the


    Have you ever wondered how often chance or coinci-
dence was actually guiding you? Chance can open many doors,
but you can only walk through them with the right intentions.
Intentional relationships take time and effort, but they are
definitely worth it!


        Are You New or Recycled?

    New customers want to be fussed over. They want to feel
special. They want to be recognized, accepted, and appreci-
ated for bringing their business to you. But new customers are
not more important than old customers, and it’s important to
remember to appreciate them both. What you need is a system
to recognize both those recycled customers who have returned,
as well as identifying and rewarding new people who have
come aboard for the first time. The key is to put a system in
place to make that happen every day with every customer.

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