Page 30 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 30
Quick Ideas 13 to 14
When you’re ready to make that great presentation, in-
vite the prospect to meet you for a meal or coffee to get
them out of their familiar environment, and into your sphere
of influence.
Become a Joiner
Every trade, profession, and occupation has associations
that you can join. These trade and professional groups can be a
tremendous resource to keep up with changes, network with
the most successful people in your trade or profession, and see
how other people operate. There are two key secrets to being
part of an association: (1) Look at the dues as an investment
instead of a cost, and (2) Remember that you have to get in-
volved to get value.
Mae struggled with how Assignment
to pay employees when some
came to work and some didn’t Look around to see what
during a horrendous snow- local, regional, or national as-
storm. She struggled with it sociations you can benefit
until it was time to go to an from. You should handpick
association meeting. Upon ar- a few that you want to get
riving, she found that every- involved with, and contact
one in her position had them about becoming an ac-
anguished over the same tive member. Remember to
problem. She realized she R-A-V-E!
was not alone, and when she